Saturday, February 22, 2025

First Elon Musk, Now Steve Bannon: "All I Was Doing Was Wave to the Audience"

The latest example of Drama Queenery comes from France via CPAC, where Jordan Bardella pulled out of a scheduled speech because one of the speakers, Steve Bannon, allegedly made a "gesture referring to Nazi ideology". 

The BBC's Brandon Drenon:

"If he cancelled [the speech] over what the mainstream media said about the speech, he didn't listen to the speech. If that's true, he's unworthy to lead France. He's a boy, not a man," Bannon told the French news magazine Le Point. 

At the Reagan Dinner Friday night, the head of the War Room again said: "All I did was wave to the audience."

As I wrote when the Elon Musk scandal erupted,  

few fascists ever, few Nazis ever gave the fascist/Nazi salute from the heart, as Elon Musk did. Whether in Italy, in Spain, in Portugal, or in Germany, the arm went straight up from the side as the individual is standing still. Aye, there is the rub: the salute is traditionally formal, given as a soldier standing still by an "inferior" to a "superior" at the outset of an event or only when asked (when commanded) to do so. 

Thus we see lines of Nazis, in uniform or civilian attire, all doing the Führergruß together, mechanically, at exactly the same time, while shouting the same words (Heil Hitler or Sieg Heil) in unison…

Back in Paris, as a guest on Sud Radio, ROF's Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer gave her take on the allegations… 

Update: French TV Channel Beclowns Itself While Trying to Defend Leftist VIPs Raising Arms in the Nazi Salute

8,805 views Feb 22, 2025 #C_EST_DANS_L_ACTU_3
Avec Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer, Vice-président des Republicans Overseas


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