Perhaps we shouldn’t send them in the
first place? Well, it’s too late for that. The first uniformed Americans
arrived on September 19
Ms. Monaco was asked about a one-way travel ban. She said that such a
ban wouldn’t be necessary because people in Liberia are being screened
for the virus before departing on international flights.
Let’s unravel the twisted logic of this charlatan. She began by
knocking down a straw man argument—that relief workers shouldn’t be
allowed to go to Liberia. No one was suggesting they shouldn’t. The
argument was that Liberians should not be allowed to come
If such a policy had been in place two weeks ago, Ebola patient Thomas
Eric Duncan would not have been allowed into the country and one hundred
people would not have been exposed to the virus. Monaco quickly changed
her tune. Suddenly the travel ban wasn’t counterproductive but
Sure. Because travelers will be screened, right?
… If you believe anything this
administration says—and you need your head checked if you do—Ebola isn’t
even supposed to be here. As President
Obama said on the September 7
installment of Meet the Press: “Americans shouldn’t be concerned about
the prospect of contagions here in the United States, short term,
because this is not an airborne disease.” Thirteen days later an
Ebola-positive Liberian arrived on American soil. I guess that all
depends on what your definition of “short term” is but I’d say that his
prediction missed its mark by just a little.
… Anxieties need to be soothed because
they hurt Obama who is a huge supporter of immigration, both legal and
illegal. Both varieties carry the risk of bringing infectious diseases
into the country, though the illegal kind is riskier because there are
no controls. Legal immigrants, of course, have to go through screening
which is imperfect, as mentioned above.
What the president doesn’t want is for people to draw the connection
between immigration and the spreading of disease, and not because the
connection isn’t there but because it would be disastrous for his long
term plans to change the demographics of this country for the benefit of
his party and its politics. He’s already announced that amnesty by
royal decree is coming after the November elections.
Thus far, liberals have been able to vilify anyone who opposes
amnesty as a crypto-racist who harbors deeply irrational fears of The
Other. It might be a little harder to sell that tripe if people realized
that previously eradicated diseases are making a comeback like a bad
80s singer. What’s “irrational” about not wanting scabies at your
child’s school? Anarchy at the border might not be such a crowd pleaser
when concerns about disease are on the public’s mind. What’s a liberal
to do?
Scream “racism” louder?
… Unfortunately, one party in this country is “all in” for lawless
immigration, and the other is halfway there too. They won’t let a little
thing like Ebola—or tuberculosis, scabies, or leprosy—to sway the
debate. Your health is not as important as their source of future