Saturday, July 10, 2021

Leftists' Abhorrent Behavior: "The Democrat Party seeks to demonize, criminalize, and extinguish dissent from the 75 million supporters of Donald Trump"

The Democrats have a talent for avoiding responsibility for their contemptible actions by blaming them on the other side

writes Ed Brodow at American Thinker (obrigado per Sarah Hoyt, who — rightly — flashes the Instapundit meme "THE DEMAND FOR WHITE SUPREMACY FAR EXCEEDS SUPPLY"). 

A recent manifestation of this talent is President Biden's attempt to deflect attention away from abhorrent behavior by scores of Democrat politicians.  Throughout 2020, they shirked their duty to uphold the law in the face of civil disturbances.  Biden wants you to pretend that never happened in order to rail against what he calls a "white nationalist insurrection."  Pants on fire!  Biden should be ashamed to embrace this nonsense.

In his first joint address to the U.S. Congress on April 28, Biden identified white supremacy as the number-one domestic terror threat.  He insisted that white supremacists pose a bigger threat than foreign actors.  "We won't ignore what our intelligence agencies have determined to be the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today," Biden said.  "White supremacy is terrorism."

For seven months, Democrat mayors and governors refused to take action against leftist violence that destroyed our cities.  In many cases, they supported the rioters.  "You have to look pretty hard to find Democrats condemning fires, riots, violence, looting, stealing, burning police cars," said author and political commentator Dennis Prager.  If you condemn only what Republicans do and applaud what was done daily by leftists, says Prager, then you don't care about truth.  "Violent protests had been championed and normalized by Democrats and their media over the last four years," Daniel Greenfield wrote in the Jewish Press.  Greenfield is referring to the attempt by the media to characterize the ongoing violence as "peaceful protests," an obvious fabrication.

On January 6, 2021, a nonviolent assault on the U.S. Capitol, spurred on by leftist agitators who were bussed in, was staged by Democrats with the collaboration of mainstream and social media, along with — if you believe Tucker Carlson's well-substantiated accusation — the FBI.  "The purpose of the entire circus was to provide a propaganda opportunity for the Left," wrote Daniel Greenfield.  By blaming the assault on white nationalists, Biden and the Democrats hope to achieve three objectives: (1) create a diversion from the 2020 riots, (2) divert attention from massive circumstantial evidence that the 2020 election was rigged, and (3) crush conservatives and Trump-supporters.

The storming of the Capitol has become the rallying point for efforts to destroy the Republican Party — Democrats' equivalent of the Fourth of July­.  With the collusion of the media, we have been force-fed allegations that the assault was an attempted right-wing coup, that Trump-supporters conducted the assault, and that President Trump was personally responsible for inciting it.  These allegations are entirely duplicitous.

Using the Capitol assault as an excuse, Democrats have unleashed a new buzzword called "domestic extremism."  The intention of this fiction is to convince the public that extremism is coming from the right and that we should fear an "insurrection" by white supremacists, which in this case refers to Republicans.  "The ruling elite are pushing the notion of rampant right-wing domestic terrorists and the danger of conspiracy theories," says cultural critic Michael McCaffrey, "in an attempt to conceal their crimes and stifle dissent."

Attorney General Merrick Garland, says Tucker Carlson, "wants you to believe and wants history to record, that January 6th was an attempted insurrection by white supremacist revolutionaries bent on taking over this country.  Because of January 6th, says the chief law enforcement officer in the United States of America, and many other members of Joe Biden's Cabinet, we must now use law enforcement and military force to arrest, imprison, and otherwise crush anyone who leads opposition to Joe Biden's government.  That's their position.  They say it out loud."  

"The Democrat Party seeks to demonize, criminalize and extinguish dissent from the 75 million supporters of Donald Trump," agreed conservative author David Horowitz.  In the wake of January 6, House speaker Nancy Pelosi, speaking on MSNBC, referred to President Trump and his Republican supporters as "domestic enemies" and "enemies of the state."  Even many Republicans who have been Trump-supporters bought into the lie.  "Within an hour," said Dennis Prager, "every leading Republican I know of condemned in no compromised terms what happened at the U.S. Capitol."

Actually, the vast bulk of domestic extremism in this country has been coming from the left, not from the right. Six months of leftist-inspired riots, looting, burning, and murder in cities throughout the country ought to be sufficient proof of that.  But if the Democrats can exploit the Capitol attack to convince the public that evil intentions are coming from the right, it can be used to justify the canceling of conservatives and whites.

After the Capitol assault, the country took the idea of election fraud less seriously, and the destruction of our cities was practically forgotten.  "The Russia collusion was a lie," Prager said, "yet we pursued it for three years — but we can't pursue for a few weeks the notion that there may have been tampering of ballots, especially when half the country believes it.  People have to believe their votes matter."

The Democrats, including the president, argue that merely questioning the 2020 election result amounts to "insurrection" and "domestic terrorism" and should be suppressed.  This is a direct assault on the First Amendment.  "You can't have a democracy," David Horowitz warned, "if this is the attitude of a party that controls all three branches of government, is enabled by a corrupt and compliant media, and is determined not just to defeat, but to humiliate, destroy and expunge from the record an ex-president who is supported by a greater segment of the American electorate than any American leader before him."

"So what is this, exactly?" Tucker Carlson asks.  "Well, it's a big change in the way the U.S. government treats its own citizens.  We're looking at the transformation of a democratic republic into something else. We're looking at growing authoritarianism.  That's not an overstatement."

Related: • The Mote in Thine Own Eye: Why Are Conservatives So Naïve That They Refuse to See the Beam in the Eye of Those Who Hate Their Very Existence?

• How to Reply If You Are Being Badgered by Leftists Insisting that You Accept the 2020 Outcome as Fair'n'Square (based on Americans Anonymous)

• Voter Fraud — A Note to Leftists Who Claim that "Not a shred of hard evidence has been produced"

Dennis Prager: The Numerous (and Sweeping) Anomalies Regarding the 2020 Election That Cannot Be Ignored

• Inside of a month, Democrats have redefined riots and election challenges from the highest form of patriotism to an attack on democracy — And by “democracy”, they mean the Democrat Party

Isn't America Being Governed by a Mafia Family Dynasty, setting things up so that there will always be Democrats in power?

• The Take of Bill Maher's Coronavirus Expert Guests Happens to Apply Perfectly to the 2020 Election 

• One of Erik's French TV appearances: 99% of the Capitol Protestors Were Entirely Peaceful, as Were 99% of the Group Which Entered the Premises 

• Stare Decisis: The Areas that Precedent Is Not Supposed to Include and Be Concerned With 

How Would Reagan React to the November Election's Voter Fraud and the Riots of 2020? How About Abe Lincoln?

1 comment:

  1. Jerryskids3:55 AM

    I still keep the faith that there are enough decent people in this country who will wake up before it's too late and this nonsense will be put down, but each day it gets harder to believe that we're not running out of time.
