Tuesday, October 18, 2011

French Jails Creating Repeat Offenders

While Frenchmen are busy condemning Americans for their prisons and their jail conditions and all kinds of other horrific society failings, French prisons are creating repeat offenders, reveal Franck Johannès and Arthur Frayer on the front page of Le Monde.
The statistics, first of all, are huge: 59% of all prisoners receive a second sentence within five years of their release, and 46% of those receive time behind bars.

Le chiffre, d'abord, est énorme : 59 % des détenus sont de nouveau condamnés dans les cinq ans qui suivent leur libération, et 46 % d'entre eux à de la prison ferme.

Meanwhile, the French are asking whether their ghettos are becoming islamicised (see No Pasarán's previous post on the subject)…

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