Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why would Obama spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on lawyers to block something that only costs $15 to produce?

It may well be that most of the writings concerning the wherabouts of Obama's birth sound delusional, but, as far as I can tell, James L Lambert's arguments (asante to Larwyn) are far from nonsensical…
I remember the story of a little league team a few years back that was disqualified during the Little League World Series. Apparently, the team was disqualified because one of its key players was older than he claimed to be. The tournament ruled the player and his team ineligible. In hindsight, it’s too bad that the league’s baseball officials didn’t carefully verify the player’s long form birth certificate prior to the start of play. All the grief from this episode could have been avoided

The rule of law still matters. Law makers in Washington need to abide by the same laws that they expect us to. Over and over again, these politicians and bureaucrats reiterated their promises of transparency. It was a hallmark of Obama’s 2008 campaign. Yet people are still waiting for transparency, especially on this matter. I wonder why it is so difficult for us to find the simple truth.

…Again, Mr. President, where were you born, and in what hospital? If you ever decide to provide this information, the people would like to have access to the hospital’s records so we can verify your statement. You have promised “transparency”, so let’s put the rhetoric into action.

Finally, as the readers, you have to ask yourself: why would the President spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on lawyers to block something that only costs $15 to produce?

[Update: Not until April 2011 did the White House finally release Barack Obama's original birth certificate.]

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