Russia and the future of the Ukraine war were the initial subjects of Darius Rochebin's Sunday 6 pm show on LCI with part of the focus on Donald Trump's telephone call to Vladimir Putin. And as the subject changed (at about 29:30) to President Trump's domestic fight against the swamp — and to cries of outrage about Elon Musk calling Europe a "cathedral to bureaucracy" — Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer, a member of Republicans Overseas France (ROF), was brought into the debate (from about 30:50 to 50:50, video at the link), where she proceeded to be… regularly interrupted, although she persisted and held her own.
18H Darius Rochebin du dimanche 9 février 2025
Publié hier à 19h54Source : 18h Darius Rochebin
The pundits on LCI thunder against Trump and Musk (who the hell does Musk think he is?!) before one of them puffs his chest with pride, stating that he is proud of being European — presumably in no need whatsoever of administrative simplification. It might do them good to read Nicolas Conquer's Figaro article ("While America seeks to restore its ability to be one step ahead, Europe persists in a systematic distrust of risk, success, and initiative"). A word, writes The Smallest Minority, that we should all know (Americans, French, other foreigners, and not least pundits on… French TV shows) is Statolatry (thanks to Instapundit's Sarah).
Economist Ludwig Von Mises coined the word to describe the literal worship of government. He said: “People frequently call socialism a religion, It is indeed the religion of self-deification.”
Statolatry is about worship for the state to replace a God they have rejected, a relationship with some entity more powerful than themselves to which they swear their love and fealty, the goal of which is to receive blessings (which are drawn the public till).
The people on the statolatrist left have landed on a toxic mixture of statism, politics, mysticism, and atheism rolled up into a loose ball called “progressivism” as a substitute for Judeo-Christian theology. Progressivism is as much a religion as Catholicism, it just replaces a Pope with government, counting on the senior leadership of [leftist parties] to be their High Priests.
Présenté par Darius Rochebin tous les dimanches. Chaque dimanche, à 18h, Darius Rochebin reçoitune personnalité française ou internationale marquant l’actualité. Les interviews sont menées dans un esprit d’ouverture à tous les domaines et de diversité des opinions. De Marine Le Pen à Jean-Luc Mélenchon, en passant par François Hollande ou Edouard Philippe, les acteurs politiques de tous bords et leurs interventions exclusives ont jalonné l’émission durant l’année écoulée. Il s’ensuit le duel des idées, qui oppose Luc Ferry à Daniel Cohn-Bendit.

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