The only things [The Democrats] are good at, really, is cheating
In the top five moments from Donald Trump's interview with Fox's Sean Hannity, at least check out his final argument, from 15:08, or even from 16:58. It's one heck of a wow moment.
This was one of gross miscarriage of common sense, to allow people to come in. … This is not just South America, … these are … countries that you don't even think of. The Congo has emptied their prisons out into the United States! … Prisons from all over the world have been emptied into our country by Biden, allowing it to happen. … Who would want this?! …
I don't understand, why does somebody want open borders? … [The Democrats] cheat so well, they are very good at cheating. The only things they are good at, really, is cheating. Here's the thing I ask: Why would somebody say that open borders are good, where jails and mental institutions from other countries, and gang members right off the streets of the toughest cities of the world, are being brought to the United States of America and emptied out into our country?
Why would anybody that even likes — you don't even have to love our country, you have to like it — why would anybody that likes our country — the Democrats — allow that to happen? … The only reason it can be is two reasons: you're stupid — and I don't think they're stupid, I think anybody that cheats that much and that well isn't stupid — you're either stupid or you hate the country. Those are the only two reasons. …
Related: Previewing his latest book on his Fox News show, Mark Levin points out that The Democrat Party Hates America.
The left camouflages its intents in soaped-up language (e.g., 'illegal' becomes 'undocumented'; 'alien' becomes 'newcomer'). It begins every argument presuming its underlying premise is the start point, and that its vocabulary -- every locution already packed with little presumptive victories -- is both ordained and sacrosanct. The beauty of DJT is none of that applies.