Saturday, January 11, 2025

Imagine had the California fires at these magnitudes happened just prior to the November election

Imagine had these fires at these magnitudes happened just prior to the November election. Steve Garvey would be the brandy-new senator for California and Adam Schiff would be peddling his memoir in paperback on Reliable Sources.
What boggles about LA is THEY KNEW, THEY'VE KNOWN for decades. Yet the politicians crossed their fingers and spent money on everything, EVERYTHING, but robust fire prevention policy. Instead the yearly predictable wildfires became a plus because wildfires were a soapbox for KA-limate change.

Adding a two-minute VDH synopsis (“A DEI Green New Deal hydrogen bomb”) "of all that the LA wildfires have made manifest", Damian Bennett finds the situation hard to comprehend: "LA is like a Rembrandt stored in the petrol shed where Aunt Jill goes to sneak a smoke."

Los Angeles is some of the most expensive, most exclusive, most coveted real estate in the country world. Surely such a treasure -- a redoubt of the rich, the famous, the powerful; an economic power unto itself -- surely it has attracted the most capable leaders and managers and public overseers. Surely. Surely its politics are fine-tuned and shaped to serve the public trust and ensure the community's prosperity and safety. Surely. 

The politics of showing up...
The politics of the message...
The politics of stewardship...
The politics of where the buck stops...
The politics of politics...
To think, KA-mala was the dodge!

The perdurance of bad politics and bad policies relies on entrenchment and luck. California has just run out of luck. The wildfires today destroying LA were always there waiting to happen, only held back by the hand of Providence. Ah, but Providence has withdrawn its hand. The Q now becomes, will the wildfires also destroy the careers of the entrenched politicians and bad stewards? 

Sometimes enough is 'enough', sometimes it is 'too much' or 'no more', and sometimes it notches up to 'WHOA! You have now F*CKED the wrong dog!'


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    these people have stockholm syndrome - they'll keep voting blue because somehow they're convinced deep down that they deserve whatever misery they're enduring

  2. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Some of those people in la la land got what they voted for, libturds. Works every time it is tried. HAHAHAHAHA
