Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Giving away 'Get Out Of Jail Free Cards' like penny candy to the criminally liable lords of misrule hollows out the Democrats' lawfare schtick of 'No one above the law'

No One NOT Named Biden Is Above The Law

The snakes are let slither away. writes Damian Bennett.

Biden: The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense. ... Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment to our country.”
APThe pardons, announced with just hours left in Biden’s presidency, have been the subject of heated debate for months at the highest levels of the White House. It’s customary for a president to grant clemency at the end of his term, but those acts of mercy are usually offered to Americans who have been convicted of crimes. Biden, a Democrat, has used the power in the broadest and most untested way possible: to pardon those who have not even been investigated.

Done under cover of the Trump inauguration, of the national global jubilation of a revenant Trump presidency. These 'pardons' need to be challenged in the court, by which I mean put-paid-to by SCOTUS. Let us be clear:


Had Biden kept to the expected pardon -- in the teeth of his repeated heated denials and solemn abjurations -- for his convicted corrupt son, people by and large would have let it slide as an act of parental patheticism. But giving away 'Get Out Of Jail Free Cards' like penny candy to the criminally liable lords of misrule hollows out the Democrats' lawfare schtick of 'No one above the law'. Clearly for Biden and those who will rush to the defense of these pardons, clearly there are those who are above the law: pets and pals, pimps and whores, goons and stooges, all the people, big and small, who made the surreality of the Biden occupancy a daily reality.

Words fail. [Anguished pause.] Please, some student of history find me a more corrupt, more detestable American president. Find me a more self-serving shameless abuser of the public trust. [A reasonable wait.] Cannot be done because cannot be found. Biden stands alone, he has no peer. He has bested all the worst of the worst to be the super-superlative worst, and -- God have mercy -- let us hope for all time.

 … Noon January 20, 2025 -- FJB [was] truly and finally f*cked. Good riddance to bad rot.

But Damian Bennett ain't finished. No sirree. C'est mal connaître l'homme

Biden Crime Family Scorecard 

On the tick of 11:50A today, Joe Biden lost the magical power to pardon crimes unalleged, unindicted, untried, and unsentenced. (Someone in the BOO-hoo corner has a big sad. So unfair.) 
No One NOT Named Biden Is Above The Law
CNN: President Trump is reportedly considering a wave of preemptive pardons. Does this concern you?
Biden: Well, it's, uh, it concerns me in terms of, uh, what kind of precedent it sets and how the rest of the world looks at us as a nation of laws and, uh, and justice. Um, you're not going to see, uh, um, in our administration that kind of approach to pardons, um, nor are you going to see in our administration, uh, that approach to making policy by tweets, um, you know, it's just going to be a totally different way in which we approach the justice system.

My family has been subjected to unrelenting attacks and threats, motivated solely by a desire to hurt me—the worst kind of partisan politics.  Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe these attacks will end.

I believe in the rule of law, and I am optimistic that the strength of our legal institutions will ultimately prevail over politics.
...baseless and politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on the lives, safety, and financial security of targeted individuals and their families.  Even when individuals have done nothing wrong and will ultimately be exonerated, the mere fact of being investigated or prosecuted can irreparably damage their reputations and finances.

That is why I am exercising my power under the Constitution to pardon James B. Biden, Sara Jones Biden, Valerie Biden Owens, John T. Owens, and Francis W. Biden. The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that they engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense.

The 'pardon' reads: 

A FULL AND UNCONDITIONAL PARDON FOR ANY NONVIOLENT OFFENSES against the United States which they might have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014, through the date of this pardon.

Ahem. The construals construe themselves.

Let's see what SCOTUS has to say, Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915):
  • Acceptance, as well as delivery, of a pardon is essential to its validity; if rejected by the person to whom it is tendered, the court has no power to force it on him.
  • This brings us to the differences between legislative immunity and a pardon. They are substantial. The latter carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it...
  • A pardon is an act of grace, proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution of the laws, which exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime he has committed. It is the private though official act of the executive magistrate, delivered to the individual for whose benefit it is intended ... A private deed, not communicated to him, whatever may be its character, whether a pardon or release, is totally unknown and cannot be acted on.
  • Formal acceptance is necessary to give effect to the pardons. If a pardon is rejected, it cannot be forced upon its subject.
Here are the quick takes from my reading of Burdick:
  • A pardon imputes guilt.
  • To have effect a pardon must be accepted -- and with it the imputation of guilt -- and entered into the court (delivery) in response to the pertinent indictment, verdict, or sentence.
  • A person may reject a pardon and its taint, and the court has no power to effectuate its purpose. 
The Biden DOJ certainly thought pardons to be an open legal admission of guilt.

Biden DOJ prosecutors before U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols: “[A] pardon at some unspecified date in the future ... would not unring the bell of conviction. ... In fact, quite the opposite. The defendant would first have to accept the pardon, which necessitates a confession of guilt.” ... J6 defendants have increasingly been seeking “pardons of innocence,” claiming Trump has the authority to grant them clemency without forcing an admission of guilt. Those who haven’t been convicted are hoping Trump’s Justice Department simply drops their charges, obviating the need for a pardon altogether.

[Hold on, a sidebar: 

"So this is a big one. We hope they come out tonight."
DJT refers to them as hostages. Justice come due.]

So. All the 'unguilty' lambs pardoned by Biden can still be brought up on charges. Let them formally accept their pardons with the taint of guilt, lose their 5A right in doing so (their testimony cannot incriminate them for the pardoned crime), THEN be questioned under oath about the criminality behind their pardon and risk perjuring themselves, which they will. They will lie, because they are liars. They will ALL lie. When their lies do not prevail they will -- in ones and twos at first, then everyone in tears all at once --  snitch out their confederates, their family, their friends. I am not a lawyer, but that is how I would run a prosecution.

“Implication is that they needed the pardons… So, let’s call them all before Congress and demand the truth. If they refuse or lie – let’s test the constitutional ‘reach’ of these pardons with regard to their future actions.”

Q: Why would the unindicted, untried, and unsentenced need pardons? Let J6 censored serial-liar Adam Schiff (CA-D) explain:

Joy Reid (MSNBC, December 2020): Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon who is an innocent person?
Schiff: No.

"Don't go down that road, Mr. President." Today Adam Schiff received a preemptive pardon down that very road. 

Q: Why would the unindicted, untried, and unsentenced want pardons? Let J6 Committee Hatchetman Jamie Raskin (MD-D) explain:

CNN: You revealed this week that multiple Republican members of Congress sought pardons from President Trump after the insurrection. ... And what evidence do you have?
Raskin: Yes. Well, the seeking of pardons is powerful demonstration of the consciousness of guilt, or at least the consciousness that you may be in trouble. And that's what's so shocking about this. It's not just one. It's... 
CNN: And you have evidence that has happened?
Raskin: ...[A]ll in due course, the details will surface.

Hhmmm. That 'due course' never came round. 

Jamie Raskin also received his preemptive mob pardon today. Let Messrs. Schiff and Raskin and their newly minted 'jail free' J6 hangmen test their innocence by forswearing their pardons' acceptance. Let them gamble exoneration in a court of law. It is a mistake not to force the hands of these ethically bankrupt scoundrels, wholly corrupt grifters, shameless liars, chump-change quislings, to wit, it is a mistake not to prosecute these garbage people. Because...

Justice Come Due

Because, gentle reader, they are ALL guilty, guilty as sin. There are mountains of evidence, droves of witnesses, reams of data attesting to their guilt. A pardon is the last refuge of these garbage people, which people who peddle political influence to enrich themselves, who are disloyal to country and Constitution, who maliciously and savagely cut down rightful dissent, such people are garbage people. Let's be done with them.

Related: If Biden Had Wanted to Appear Bipartisan, the White House Should Have Pardoned the J6 Protesters As Well

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