Thursday, December 19, 2024

Metz-y Christmas: Jesus Kidnapped from French Nativity Scene, Joseph and Mary Beheaded

'Tis the season to be jolly...

notes Duncan Hill; and yet

I didn't see this reported in the French or other European press. You'd think this would make the news

My prayer for this Christmas and the coming new year is that civility returns to Western Civilization.

Thanks to the Rair Foundation, we learn that 

It’s that time of year again in Open Borders Europe. While families hope to celebrate the birth of Christ in peace, the grim reality repeats itself: Christmas markets are under terror watch, churches face vandalism, Christmas trees are burned, and even the nativity scene – symbolizing Jesus and Mary – is desecrated, yet again, in a trend that has worsened with every passing year since Europe opened its doors to mass migration in 2015.

The latest incident took place in Metz, France [writes Natacha Kadur], where two of the four figures in the Nativity scene installed outside Metz train station were vandalized. City services discovered the figures’ heads had been ripped off on Tuesday.

 … This is not an isolated event. Across France and much of Western Europe, acts of violence and hatred against Christian traditions have become an annual ritual of their own. Churches are defiled, Christmas markets are monitored like war zones, festive and religious decorations are systematically destroyed, and even those dressing up as Santa Claus are attacked. What once brought communities together now comes under attack by those who have no respect for European heritage, aided by leftist policies that open the gates to those who openly despise the West and its Christian roots.

A Pattern of Destruction

Every year, we see the same trend, and yet, the media and political elites remain silent or dismiss such incidents as “isolated cases” or “mindless acts of vandalism.” These are not random acts; they are part of a growing hostility toward Christianity and Western culture, enabled by open-border policies and the deliberate erasure of European identity.

Who Is to Blame?

While police investigate this latest attack in Metz, the bigger question is ignored: Who brought this chaos to Europe in the first place? The answer is clear. The same politicians who champion open borders, mass migration, and “tolerance” have created a climate where Christian traditions are no longer safe.

 … The desecration of nativity scenes, like this latest incident in Metz, is not just an attack on religious symbols. It is an attack on Europe’s culture, history, and identity. Every torn-down decoration, every burned tree, and every defiled church sends a message: Christianity has no place in the Europe of tomorrow. 

Rair stands for Rise Align Ignite Reclaim

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I wonder who would do something like this? islam, for 50 Alex.
