Friday, December 06, 2024

In the eyes of many in Poland, the EU is behaving like the former Soviet Union

This came before the Polish elections ousted the country's conservatives and brought the left back into power. But in honor of St. Nicholas’ Day (Mikołajki comes from Mikołaj (Polish for Nicholas, meaning little Nicholas)), we are bringing a lashing-out from The Economist at Poland's rightist government before the election, leading a Leader of the Conservatives in the European Parliament to come to the country's defense.

Poland’s government

Your leader on the Polish government read in places like an election pamphlet from the opposition Civic Platform party (“A Polish pickle”, April 21st). The governing Law and Justice (PiS) party received an overwhelming mandate from the Polish people in 2015, including a clear instruction to rebalance a judiciary, which had been stacked with allies by the former government without any complaint from the European Union.

To counter its weakness at home, Civic Platform is seeking to Europeanise what are essentially domestic issues and fight its battles in Brussels rather than Warsaw. By imposing an agenda of ever increasing centralisation and trying to force a mythical European identity on member states (the same policies that contributed to Brexit), the EU is behaving, in the eyes of many in Poland, like the former Soviet Union.

Leader of the Conservatives in the European Parliament

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