I am not in the habit of using the word "I" and writing my articles in the first person, and even less of advertising my own books, but current events force me to contravene these self-imposed rules.
In my latest book, La Guerre Culturelle (The Cultural War), I talk about the history of this war launched by the Left over two centuries ago against the peoples in Western nations attached to their traditions, to their national sovereignty, and to Western culture. I explain how, for the past century, this war is being waged ruthlessly in the United States by the neo-Marxist left, domestic enemy, continuing Gramsci's evil plan to infiltrate, subvert, and undermine institutions. Needless to say, I devote a large part to Donald Trump who embodies the accomplished cultural warrior who fights fiercely in the arena, facing the gladiators and the wild beasts of the hateful left.
This metaphor has now become reality through bloodshed and an undefeated Trump, inviting us all to join the “fight”, with his raised fist against the background of the American flag, an unforgettable image. Trump seems to be the only prominent politician, the only Western leader (apart from Nigel Farage), to take into account this domestic conflict that others do not see and which they do not resist, unless it is to collaborate cowardly, as we have seen in France and the United Kingdom.
Trump is alone in encouraging us to fight this murderous left, not by using the Mafia means that said Left employs but by an implacable determination, thanks to us rightists having the numbers and the moral superiority.
Let's make no mistake, everywhere in our Western societies, Gramsci has emerged the winner. Gramsci's Cultural Marxism, the Frankfurt School, the “deconstructionists” and other notorious Marxists, allied with the globalist forces that populate the “deep states” of all Western countries, forming a “global swamp” of powerful and unelected people, has practically arrived at this victory for them which is also our planned suicide. In 2016, through his talent and the strength of his convictions alone, Trump succeeded in defeating Hillary Clinton, the candidate of the international left (including the European Union) and in accomplishing great things for his country, for the West (and for the entire planet), in a first term despite an unparalleled outburst against him from the left and pseudo-Republicans (RINOs) and like-minded Conservatives, offended by his “style”, his “personality”, or his mean tweets.
The people who have been harassing Trump since 2015 have tried everything, in vain, to destroy him: slander, baseless impeachment attempts, legal warfare (lawfare), idle accusations, shameless lies. The same creatures of the global deep state (which now decides the outcome of our elections and wants to rule our way of life) hate him because he embodies the only major obstacle to their total and irreversible victory. He is the man who has the will and the courage to stand against them to turn the situation around. Isn't that a good reason to eliminate him? It is exactly what far-left politicians have been encouraging in their murderous rhetoric. Joe Biden himself recently said it was “time to put Trump in a bullseye." Ever since they stole the 2020 election, the “Democrats”, that is to say the extreme left Marxists in power, have been accusing him from wanting to go back to the White House to do what they themselves do on a daily basis: the breaching of laws and of the Constitution, tyrannical government with censorship, tolerance and impunity for the worst crimes and for the organized violence that are committed by their supporters.
Trump arrived in a political landscape in ruins after Obama's disastrous presidency, adding a chapter to the doctrine of Manifest Destiny: an America protected by Providence even after the worst trials and that nothing can overcome in the nation's march forward.
This time, Providence has an embodiment. Its name is Donald John Trump.
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