Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Republicans who revel in virtue signaling and in sabotaging their colleagues: why are people who claim to be on the right so eager to become pawns for their (unscrupulous) adversaries?


Following Liz Cheney’s lead, [Mitt] Romney has come out in support of a “January 6th commission,” which will serve as nothing more than a partisan battering ram for the Democrat Party going into 2022.

Noting, tongue-in-cheek, that in "a completely unexpected, never-before-seen move, Mitt Romney has decided to bend the knee and do the left’s bidding", Red State's Bonchie goes on to register how appalling the Utah senator's move is (thanks to Ed Driscoll). 

 … there’s no reason for any Republican to support this clearly partisan nonsense. The commission is set up in a way where Democrats would choose the investigators, essentially making it the Mueller investigation — part two. One of the cardinal sins a GOP politician can make is purposely playing into the hands of the left, and Romney and Cheney are chomping at the bit to do so.

  … For the life of me, I don’t understand why people who ostensibly claim to be on the right are so eager to become pawns for their political adversaries. Democrats play for keeps, and you never see them break ranks like this. Yet, Romney, Cheney, and a handful of other GOP Senators and Representatives seem intent on proving they have no strategic sense whatsoever. Again, there is no logical reason for Congress to get involved here. What are they going to do except call partisan witnesses to preen for the cameras? Any real investigation will happen at the law enforcement level, but even then, you can expect that to be largely slanted given how infiltrated the ranks are at the FBI and DOJ.

  … Romney’s chief reason for existing is to virtue signal, though. Abortion, censorship, stupid foreign wars, etc.? He’s not really into that, but give him a chance to dump on his own party, and he’s always down.

Where were Romney’s calls for a commission when a left-wing gunman nearly killed multiple GOP Congressional members? [Where, for that matter, were the Democrats’ calls for a commission then?] Where were his calls for a commission over the BLM riots of 2020 which had a far higher body count and far, far more destruction, including of federal property? [Again, the same question pertains to the leftists, in whose footsteps Romney and Cheney are so eager to follow…]

A political party can’t function like this. You can not have members who revel in sabotaging their own colleagues.

Related: Why Are Conservatives So Naïve That They Refuse to See the Beam in the Eye of Those Who Hate Their Very Existence?

1 comment:

  1. Jerryskids11:40 AM

    I believe the key is in the title of the supplemental piece - they're naive. When Romney calls for an independent, bipartisan investigation, he actually believes the investigation will be independent and bipartisan. He believes the Democrats are honest and honorable, he doesn't know that the Democrats have already written the commission's findings. It's the same with government as a whole, he still trusts "our sacred institutions of democracy", he trusts in the rule of law, he trusts that government exists to do good things when it should be obvious we are now a banana republic and there are no rules, it's simply every man for himself now.
