Monday, December 07, 2020

Why Does Nobody Ever Fret About Scandinavia's — Ghastly — 19th-C Slavery Conditions?

Sporting a Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida painting, my post on Why Does Nobody Ever Fret About Scandinavia's — Ghastly — 19th-C Slavery Conditions? has been printed in the December 2020 issue of the New English Review under the title No Frets About Scandinavia's Slavery Past?

In 1904, a couple who emigrated from Denmark to America in 1856 testified that the reason they did so was because the dirt-poor peasants they were back then did not want their children to grow up in "the same type of slavery" as they had.


  1. It's all a self-inflicted payback for the average American's belief that all history is "American History". As everyone knows, America is the one and only actor on the world stage, and all other lands are mere clay in its hands. Europe has always been wise and enlightened, with the Scandinavians as the most enlightened of all. yadayadayada...I hate saying this, but after living many a decade as an American (a humbly grateful rather than proud one, I like to think), this is my impression.
