Thursday, November 23, 2017

French TV Debate on Robert Mueller's Investigation of Donald Trump and His Aides Overlooks One Key Point

A conservative blogger was invited on the set of France 24 for a 40- to 45-minute debate on the Robert Mueller investigation, along with jurist and America specialist Anne Deysine, Harper's Magazine director John Rick MacArthur, and, from Gaza (?!), Gallagher Fenwick (France 24 part 1 and France 24 part 2).

See the leftists get all giddy — especially the neutral (sic) presenter of what the French call their equivalent of CNN (they mean this in a good way) — especially at the thought that Mueller might actually manage to take down Donald Trump in person.

Two to three minutes from the end, at around minute 22:55 in part 2, a Branco cartoon is shown on French TV…

Two and a half minutes earlier, at around minute 20:24 in part 2, the blogger quotes a Glenn Reynolds meme on Instapundit to state the one thing everybody on the program seems to overlook is that the very eagerness of the leftists the world over to take down the Republican president (along with the very existence of programs like this one on which all of the participants are appearing) is how you get more Trump.

Instapundit has been mentioned on French television before, as well as on French radio.


Ingérence russe aux Etats-Unis : 

Paul Manafort inculpé de 12 chefs d'inculpation (Partie 1)

C'est l'image du jour : celle de Paul Manafort l'ancien directeur de campagne de Trump marchant vers le bureau du FBI à Washington. L'homme d'affaire Rick Gates l'accompagne. Il a reçu la même injonction. Il s'agit des premières inculpations dans le cadre de l'enquête sur l'affaire russe menée par le procureur spécial Robert Mueller. 
Est-ce une nouvelle étape dans les accusations de collusions de l'équipe de campagne de Donald Trump avec la Russie ? Le moment est-il historique ?

Une émission préparée par Elise DUFFAU, Sarah MISSAOUI et Noufissa CHARAÏ.

Nos invités


Juriste, spécialiste des États-Unis


Journaliste et auteur. Membre des Republicans overseas.


Directeur du Harper's magazine.

Gallagher FENWICK

Envoyé spécial en direct de Gaza

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