[The] narrow victory for religious freedom is still causing heads to explode on the political Left
Benny Huang.
The wailing and gnashing of teeth from
the likes of NARAL, NOW, and the Daily Kos is more of the same
hysterical overreaction they have to everything. They seem worried that
if we allow any religious exemption to any law, no matter how small,
then everyone will cite “sincerely held religious belief” whenever the
law inconveniences them. Anarchy will then ensue and the whole world
will end.
Of course, Hobby Lobby did not ask for the law to be waived for them.
The court sided with them because the law—the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act or RFRA—is on their side. I would argue that the First Amendment is too, though the court didn’t speak to that.
Ryan Grim of The Huffington Post penned a piece in which he expressed
the slippery slope argument fairly well. “8 Other Laws That Could be
Ignored Now That Christians Get to Pick and Choose” is a hyperbolic
harangue riddled with errors but the basic gist is that everything is
now in jeopardy because Christians, and only Christians, can do whatever
they want.
Among Grim’s list of laws that could be ignored are bans on hemp and
LSD because some people use them religiously. “While we’re at it, all
drug laws rub up against religious practice,” Grim argues. “Sorry
officer, this is our church.”
… That’s where liberals stand on the
religious freedom issue. Before they can get behind it, they apply a
two-prong test. First—do they like you? If the answer is no, then you’re
a bigot. Sorry, but bigots have no rights. Second—is their agenda in
any way impeded? If the answer is yes, then freedom of religion does not
I don’t remember any liberals howling that religious exemptions would
lead to privileged groups picking and choosing which laws they would
follow back when a Democrat-controlled Congress passed, and President
Clinton signed, the RFRA. They should have argued that everyone must
follow all laws, no exceptions. If we allow a religious exemption for
American Indians and their holy stash, next thing you know Christians
might think that they have rights too! Then we won’t be able to force
them to pay for someone else’s abortifacients. It’s a slippery slope.
Let’s not go there.
…The Left is throwing a tantrum over the
Hobby Lobby case precisely because they intend to further curtail
religious liberty. All this free exercise stuff terrifies them. If
people can simply say “It’s my religion” then liberals won’t be able to
force military chaplains to perform same-sex marriages and people will
be free to teach their children what they want. Religious liberty is a
huge problem for people who recognize no higher power than the state.