February 21:
1938 Eden and Chamberlain Clash
LONDON — In one of the most stirring scenes in the modern history of
Parliament, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and
his resigned Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden today [Feb. 21] challenged each other as to the
wisdom of their conflicting ideas for preserving the peace of Europe and
keeping Great Britain out of another general war. “Tony” Eden took his
stand by the side of the League of Nations and respect for treaties as
opposed to the methods of power politics and the philosophy that might
makes right. Now was the time, Mr. Eden warned, for Britain to stand
firm and show its traditional temper, instead of submitting to the
threats of the dictators. Mr.
Chamberlain paid lip service to the
League, but made it plain his heart’s desire is for a four-power
alliance of Britain, France, Germany and Italy to control Europe’s
affairs in place of the League.
March 7:
1938 Reich Fleet Twice Size of Britain’s
LONDON — The British government plan to spend over £350,000,000 this
year on its Air Force, Navy, Army and air raid precautions was approved
late tonight [March 7] in the House of Commons after a disquieting
debate in which Winston Churchill charged that the Royal Air Force
expansion had fallen two years behind schedule and that Germany
possessed an air force more than twice as strong as the British. Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain refused to commit himself as to the
relative strength of the British and German air forces, but he did
attempt to clear up his position in connection with his attempts in
Rome, Berlin and London to make peace with Benito Mussolini and Adolf
Hitler. Mr. Chamberlain made it plain that he was not afraid of the
dictators and would fight, if necessary, for democracy.