Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Caricatures and Myths About the "Christian Rightwing"

Chris from Arizona writes:
[Members of the "Christian" rightwing] claim to worship Jesus but don't want to help the poor. They claim to be prolife but like war, guns, and the death penality [sic]. They claim to want freedom but want to decide who can marry and what a woman can do with her uterus.
Okay, let's see, here, and let's take this step by step…
They claim to worship Jesus but don't want to help the poor.
Excuse me, but conservatives and Christians do help the poor. In fact, they are perfectly capable of doing so without the intervention of the government — which is what they object to. And the reason why they object to it is precisely because man is good — not incompetent (as the left, and as statists, believe) — and does not need a nanny state to tell him how to treat his fellow man.
They claim to be prolife but like war, guns, and the death penality.
They do not like war, guns, and the death penalty. They see the need for their use when it's necessary. This is because they know that, contrary to what leftist type individuals believe, heaven has not been, and can not be, established on Earth (it does exist, but somewhere else) and that, therefore, people should not believe in the fairy tales of the left.
They claim to want freedom but want to decide who can marry and what a woman can do with her uterus.
Again, they do not believe in the fairy tales of the left and, therefore, there are things which people can do and there are things which they cannot do. To take an extreme example, you do not have the freedom to steal from your neighbor, either.

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