Friday, October 14, 2011

A Typical Reaction

From the reactionaries at the Propagadastaffel. Two Americans win the Nobel Prize for work in Economics, and the typical reader comment at Libé

Ces prix ne veulent plus rien dire car trop politisé. The winner are always USA/Israel. Nobel d'économie alors que les usa sont dans un GROS CACA et pour des années encore.

These prizes do not mean a thing because they’re too politicized. Always the winner are US / Israel.[sic] Nobel economics, while the United States is a BIG CACA and for years to come.
Because it’s all about Jooooooooos!!!!

Plus, if it was politicized it would NEVER be an American or an Israeli. Otherwise to believe that people who gave the Peace Prize to Obama on evidence of his first 14 days in office, one would find “politicization “ in favor of Americans and Israelis is the usual deflecting, consoling fantasy of the hatefully delusional view common to the European left.

Of course, all Americans are interchangeable, and since Wall Street had a drop on the downturn in the economy, and then got as badly smacked as the population in the banking crisis, one where “Banks” like Dexia had 4 times more leveraged debt than the worst American bank, well, it must be all their fault!
Parce qu'apres ce que nous a fait Wall Street en 2008, le titre de cette article sonne bien marrant.

Because after what Wall Street did in 2008, the title of this article sounds especially funny.
Not to mention this “apolitical” and on-topic statement, because a prize given to anyone, anywhere is an insult and and attack on France:
ils ont donné des armes a l'oncle sam pour nous abattre ..comme dab , le nobel tombe sur des tueurs

They gave credence to Uncle Sam so that he could shoot us down... as with a boss, the Nobel [committee] gives in to killers
Because everything is about anything on their minds, you see.

Paranoia will destroy ya... So what is there to fall back on? Walt Disney’s little ditty “It’s a Small World After All”, where everyone with a flag is equal, except in this case, it’s invoked to salve “hurt national feelings” or something, to which a sane commentator responded:
Ah bon ??

Ils seraient les meilleurs parce qu'ils sont 300 et qq millions ?

Mais alors, les chinois ils devraient être bien meilleurs qu'eux, les indiens aussi.

Et les indonésiens qui sont prés de 100 millions, ils devraient meilleurs que nous.

Je crois que ton raisonnement ne vaut pas tripette. A mon avis tu devrais éviter de réfléchir. Fais comme les autres bourricots, contente toi de braire.

They would be the best because they are roughly 300 million?
But then the Chinese should be much better than them, the Indians too.
And Indonesia that are near 100 million, they should better than us.

I think your reasoning is worthless. In my opinion you should avoid thinking. Do as the other donkeys, braying happily.
Which is why they’re reading Libération.

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