Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Plus Ça Change… And Who Might Have Been the Main Butt of Jokes of the Ancient Greeks?

If any leftist tells you how much more intelligent and how much more compassionate our generation is (i.e., the left's current generation is), you need to tell him or her about the people who lived in Greece 2500 years ago. With a summer batch of articles in Le Monde devoted to humor through the ages, it is refreshing to hear from Macha Séry that the main butt of jokes of the ancient Greeks were — already then — the intellectuals.
…les principales têtes de Turc des Grecs sont les scholasticos, autrement dit les intellectuels, présentés comme des crânes d'oeuf, des naïfs dépourvus de logique, exempts de sens pratique, qui comprennent tout de travers. Exemple : « C'est un intellectuel qui a perdu l'un de ses livres. Après plusieurs jours de recherches infructueuses, alors qu'il est en train de manger une salade, il tourne la tête et aperçoit son livre qui traîne dans un coin. Plus tard, il rencontre un de ses amis qui se plaint d'avoir perdu toute sa garde-robe. «Ne t'inquiète pas, lui dit-il, va t'acheter une salade, mange-la, tourne la tête et regarde dans le coin, tu vas la retrouver.» »

... The main butts of Greek jokes turn out to be the scholasticos, i.e., the intellectuals, presented as eggheads, naive beings devoid of logic, bereft of any type of common sense, who understand everything widely off the mark. Example [from the Philogelos (The Friend of Laughter in ancient Greek), a compendium of 265 jokes]: "There's this intellectual who's lost one of his books. After several days of fruitless search, while eating a salad, he happens to turn his head and spot the book in a corner. Later, he meets a friend who complains of having lost his entire wardrobe. 'Do not worry,' he tells the friend, 'go buy yourself a salad, eat it, turn your head, look in the corner, and there you'll find it'."
Grèce antique et blagues modernes de Macha Séry

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Les Arts incohérents, sérieux s'abstenir de Macha Séry

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