Thursday, May 26, 2011

To say that New York's special election defeat of the GOP is a repudiation of the GOP’s efforts on Medicare is laughable on its face

Republicans suck in New York. Period. End of Story.
In two separate articles on Red State, Erick Erickson takes on the Empire State's special election.
To say that this special election defeat of the GOP is a repudiation of the GOP’s efforts on Medicare is laughable on its face.

The truth of the matter is that the Republican Party of New York sucks and has sucked for a while. It is especially terrible at special elections where the out of touch party leaders pick state legislators who everyone hates and runs them.

More generally, Erick Erickson adds that

The press’s ready willingness to believe Democrat spin is yet again driven home this morning by the Republican loss in New York … Immediately, the press was adopting Democrat spin that this was all about medicare. The press has a history of doing this.

… In fact, throughout 2009 and into 2010, the media embraced the Democrats’ wholesale message that the GOP was too divided to win and the public held against the GOP that it was “the Party of No.”

… Now the media is in a full tizzy that the GOP is going to get beat down on Medicare because of a special election in New York last night. Just like they did with Tedisco. Just like they did with NY-23.

As I noted last night, the race last night had far more to do with New York than with Paul Ryan. To make broad assertions about medicare is silly and disingenuous.

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