Friday, August 27, 2010

Think Green and Fuzzy

Even the proponents must get it at this point… it must say something to them when they finally realize that any initiative they believe to be socially positive must necessarily start with not juts the government, but the highest, most centralized part of the government sucking some more capital out of the economy.

Case in point. It could be dateline anywhere, and has little to do with the real value of the necessity being taxed.

Meanwhile “green” levies, that account for around half the average bill, are expected to increase to fund Government energy efficiency schemes and a new wave of “clean” power stations.
ALREADY half. You capiche?
He said: “For every 1% increase in prices, another 40,000 households find themselves in fuel poverty. The Government and suppliers must do more.”
At which time they then need a handwringing politio or Quangonista saying that something must be done for them, and proposes some measure managed at the top of government that will suck more capital out of the economy.

Because it’s for the children, you heartless cretins. Didn’t you know that children are the future? Hate is NOT a family value, etc., etc. Here, make some of your own:

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