Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Nobel Prize Was to Get BHO to Scandinavia at the Exact Same Time that the UN's Climate Change Conference Is Taking Place

Addressing Barack Obama with the familiar "tu" (nice how BHO's "new direction" is leading to more respect for the United States as well as for his own person, n'est-ce pas?), Le Monde's Hervé Kempf has figured out the reason why BHO won the Nobel Peace Prize: the Apologizer-in-Chief will be heading for Oslo, meaning that (since Norway is neighbor to Denmark) he will be right next to Copenhagen at the exact same time that the UN Climate Change Conference is taking place in the Danish capital — a summit to which he will invariably be invited — and having the moral obligation to go (back) there, he is likely to (in Hervé Kempf's words) "shake opinion in your country" and sign (on to) the global climate deal.
Les jurés t'ont décerné le Nobel de la paix pour que tu viennes à Copenhague, lors de la conférence mondiale sur le climat. Recevant le prix à Oslo, le 10 décembre, tu seras moralement obligé d'aller à Copenhague dans la foulée, et de signer l'accord. Les jurés d'Oslo t'invitent à forcer ta nature de compromis, à bousculer l'opinion de ton pays. Ils pensent que la paix du monde dans les décennies à venir va se jouer là, à Copenhague, et que les Etats-Unis, donc toi, en détiennent la clé.
Listen to what COP15 president Connie Hedegaard declares, in no uncertain terms: the Danish Minister for Climate and Energy at the head of the UN Climate Change Conference
is adamant that Copenhagen will “seal the deal”.

“If the whole world comes to Copenhagen and leaves without making the needed political agreement, then I think it’s a failure that is not just about climate. Then it’s the whole global democratic system not being able to deliver results in one of the defining challenges of our century. And that is and should not be a possibility. It’s not an option,” Connie Hedegaard tells in an interview.

She calls Copenhagen a “window of opportunity” which should not be missed, arguing that it may take years to rebuild the momentum.

“If we don’t deliver in Copenhagen, then I cannot see when again you can build up a similar pressure on all the governments of this world to deliver. So I think we should be very, very cautious not to miss the opportunity,” says Hedegaard, adding that “it would be irresponsible not to use the momentum now”.
The momentum would seem, deliberately or otherwise, to get the Apologizer-in-Chief involved by any and all means possible. As Dick Morris and Eileen McGann wrote, the
Nobel Prize is really Obama's payback for disciplining the unruly United States and taming it to be a member of the European family of nations. Europe wants to reverse the American Revolution and re-colonize us, and it sees in Obama a kindred spirit willing to do its bidding.

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