Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A French Father, a French Vigilante, a French Hero

Because the justice system (the German justice system) refused for more than 10 years to extradite the man who killed his teenage daughter 27 years ago, writes Yves Bordenave in Le Monde, André Bamberski decided to take matters into his own hands and have the murderer kidnapped in order to bring him to justice in France.

For kidnapping Dieter Krombach (too bad — I shouldn't say this, I guess (?) — too bad Bamberski didn't kill the dirty piece of human scum), Bamberski is risking 10 years in jail.

After leaving her husband three decades ago with their child, Bamberski's former wife moved in with Dr Krombach, who proceeded to abuse the Bamberskis' daughter, and finally, one day (when Kalinka was 14), poisoned her. In the ensuing 27 years, Germany and France both judged Dr Krombach, with Germany declaring the case closed and France condemning him to 15 years behind bars. Germany has refused to extradite the "good" doctor, and has repeatedly put pressure on the French not to go forward with asking for extradition.
Les autorités allemandes n'ont eu de cesse d'interférer auprès des autorités françaises. En mars 1995, à la veille de l'ouverture du procès de M. Krombach en France, l'ambassadeur d'Allemagne s'était déplacé jusque dans le bureau du président de la cour d'assises, Didier Wacogne, afin que celui-ci renvoie l'affaire aux calendes.
In the land (on the continent, really) that is always blasting Wild West America and its vigilante justice, reader comments are almost universally in favor of France's vigilante.

Among the reactions are those of two readers:
Honneur au père qui venge son enfant

Si l’Etat et la Justice manquent à leurs devoirs, alors, le monopole de la violence légitime dont profite l’Etat doit être considéré comme caduc et c’est un droit, et même un devoir, pour le citoyen que de palier lui-même à ces manquements.
A support committee for André Bemberski has been set up on Facebook

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