Sunday, September 06, 2009

Idiots to the Left, Morons to the Right

They neither understand interest or inflation, and carry around the Marxist idea that people putting their money to work don’t deserve to benefit from it because they assume that these people “don’t work”. Some of them carry seriously carry around a primitive belief (which is no different than Islamic culture a millennium ago,) that charging interest on a loan is a sin, and a few of them seriously think that building a concrete bunkers is their way out of their lack of understanding of the world around them.

One could ask where they made the money that was invested to begin with, but that notion isn’t simple enough for the average French nationalist. It’s all brown shirts and red flags for these folks – meet France’s black helicopter crowd, any of whom hold that “all money is fake” and it exist merely to support an aristocracy.

They are simply too stupid to understand that money is the most basic form of exchange media, but anything else representing something of tangible value is as well, such as an equity or a bond. To this limited world view, all of these things are wrong, seemingly because they have a different sort of spirit to cash. It’s a lot like a medieval druidic belief that a tree has a persona, a rock has a persona, that they all must be respected, but there is a great reason to be cruel to the villagers whose well you just took a leak in.

These other instruments they hold as wrong, seemingly possessing some sort of bad juju in the same way the primitive followers of the hard left do, in spite of believing that a randomly selected thing of value, gold, is somehow different, when it is no different than any other metal with a fluctuating price of some market determined value.

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