Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our self-styled bipartisan president is telling his critics to shut up, while his partners in crime are calling them un-American and Nazis

Our self-styled bipartisan president is telling his critics to shut up,
writes David Limbaugh (in his article about the "hubris, arrogance, and deceit of President Barack Obama and the Democratic leadership [which] are breathtaking"),
while his partners in crime, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues, are calling them un-American and Nazis.

… It wasn't enough for Pelosi to call us Nazis. She also co-wrote, with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, an op-ed in USA Today calling us un-American and projecting her own nefarious tactics onto her opposition.

… How can these government propaganda ministers sleep at night? They are the ones misrepresenting the legislation and closing their meetings to genuine dissent.

… Obama … obviously thinks that he has the unilateral right as president, with 53 percent of the vote, to use our money to impoverish and enslave us and destroy our health care and that we have no right even to object. We only get to speak every two years.
Meanwhile, Phyllis Schlafly says that "We are seeing a coordinated smear on those who oppose socialized medicine" while Dennis Prager writes that the
worst part of the liberal mantra, "Dissent is Patriotic," however, is not that is meaningless. It is that it is apparently meant solely to defend liberal and left dissent. Dissent against the right is inherently patriotic.

Dissent against the left is another matter. To Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and to the New York Times Paul Krugman and every other left-wing commentator I have read on the issue, those who dissent against the Obama/Democratic Party health care plan are not only not patriotic; they are Nazis, mobs, white racists (according to Krugman's non-sequitur thesis) and are always organized. They are activists sent by health insurance companies, the Republican Party, or by some other nefarious right-wing organization.

…Like most of the left since Marx, the American left today has created an image of the world to which reality is subservient. Left-wing theories define reality, not vice versa. And in that closed world, left-wing dissent is patriotic, while dissent against the left is fascistic at worst, or paid for by the greedy at best.

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