Sunday, July 05, 2009

Quiz time

Weekends are good for quiz time:

1) If you are a woman, where would you live to find the most happiness:
A) Saudi Arabia
B) Germany

2) If you are a parent, where would you live to find the most happiness in raising your children?
A) Bangladesh
B) France

3) If you are an entrepreneur, where would you live to find the most happiness in running your business:
A) Venezuela
B) Netherlands

If you answered anything other than (A) above, well you must not have the nuance and/or lucidity to understand this year's Happy Planet Index. For a much more trenchant critique of the HPI check out Tim Worstall, of course.

Btw, the US scored #114 out of 143 (Just edging out Nigeria but light years behind the happiness powerhouses of Moldova and the Congo).

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