Monday, July 20, 2009

As if Babs Wasn’t Already Working the Donkey Show

Strangely enough, in the media landscape of the left’s mind, the rattlings on by Barbara Walters and the soup chickens on her TV lecturn, this kind of thing is actually found relevant – a sort of “cultural conversation” which we are told is broadening and enlivening.

Of course the idea here is that they find ways of talking about themselves whenever possible, imagining that we care about how they like or don’t like to get schtupped, as though it’s some sort of analogue of the people. The gals on The View, we are to believe are the Ur-Women of planet earth. Sorry. It’s been done, girls. That shark has long been jumped, satirized, and satyrized:

Babs’ thoughts on spelunking are as yet unknown.

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