Wednesday, November 05, 2008

No long faces here*

Absolute congratulations to the next President of the United States, Barack Obama. The personal story is something everyone cheers, the policy story .... well that is indeed another story.

As it stands it would appear that non-leftists should wait and see what the new President does once ensconced in office. With a group of real leftist howlers running Congress, chances are it will not be pretty. Do not believe me, believe the thoughtful and beautiful amongst us. Those are fights for another day. Remember to judge the new President by what he does once in office, not based on the past (that was settled yesterday) and not how one "feels".

A good maxim to remember:
I am not interested in government or politicians making a difference in my life. I am interested in government and politicians staying out of my life.
Investing oneself emotionally in government or politicians will lead you down the path of poor Richard: bereft, discouraged, depressed, and searching for that non-existent (at least in a democracy thus far) uber-talisman of using the hyper-force of the state to ensure absolute conformity from the masses and their wallets. The use of force because the hard-left is unable to persuade with thoughts and deeds.

* There may be long faces at Der Spiegel today though. The three-legged stool of European-based anti-Americanism took it in the shorts yesterday. The "dead, dying, and racist" prolix which has been the standard of our European press masters is no more. Until we see a minority reach the top elected office in any of our European capitals it might be best for our continental betters, next time they get that "amerikkkaistheworstthingtohappentohumanityonany-givendayoftheweekmonthyeareverinthehistoryofever" urge, to take a bit of advice from the great Henry Rollins:

"Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up!"

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