Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Love Bus Ends at the Terminal

Thank a Leftist

The self-absorbed me generation types are terminal, some of them can only think of one thing on the way out.

What do you expect? Merging class-selfishness and class-warfare with fake concern gave Europeans socialism-by-any-other-name, now that they’ve made every personal matter one of the society at large, they’ve gotten to the point where they have to ration human rights – such as the right to live – to make that all-important “social budget”.

On pitiless Planet Warnock, people are valued in proportion to their ability to lead an independent life. If they can't do so, they are to be written off as valueless - and even more nauseating, they are being told they actually have a duty to end their lives.

The elderly and chronically sick - indeed, anyone who constantly depends on others for care - often dread being a burden on their nearest and dearest. To be told that they must end this burden by finishing themselves off can only increase their guilt, despair and suffering.

On Planet Warnock, it seems that ties of family and kinship, acts of selfless love, the deep satisfaction from bringing comfort to those who are helpless or who are so poignantly leaving
It doesn’t appear to be asking “what kind of life is worth living” if you can’t quite hang from an S&M trapeze anymore – not even that... The motive is depersonalized and arbitrary, identical to that of those of the old eugenicists: to dispose of those who can’t produce anything for them anymore, but require a resource from the glorious welfare state that they idolized for so long.

Actually, it’s the bonds formed by love at all that have to be disposed of to get to the point where it seems okay to “mulch the aged in the interest of society”. Looking back, why is it that people are so much more likely to want to believe that their “independence” is a virtue, when in fact they have been socialized to be so unlovable?

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