Saturday, October 04, 2008

Because Hating Normal, Happy People Makes Them Feel Smart, That’s Why

As we’ve seen before, they all appeared to be either aged revolutionaries and adolescent followers... These are the people that actually think they’re no different than Bolivian peasants, but ignore the fact that they have virtually every part of their lives subsidized or programmed in some way, have running water, electricity, education, and medical care.

The pictures say it all at the latest European “Social” Forum. The sector of the population that you don’t see there? People of working age, any appreciable number of parents, or anyone likely to be sustaining their own existence and intellect through their own effort.

It seems supporting causes that look like little other than warmed-over Marxism isn’t just par for the course with these folks, it’s a form of institutional intellectual welfare, reciting the same old recycled rants from abroad and ago, and needing a crowd to give you the beer-goggles to make yourself say it.

In fact even the musical entertainment, a combination of militant south American drummers, Joan Baez impersonators, and a bad Hip Hop act does a great deal to reflect on the state of Europe’s “Social” activism heritage – it proves that even the dead can have some political power. All you have to do to get some is go out there and march, demanding some sort of mysterious hitherto unknown of special rights for sex workers, wear an orange prisoner jumpsuit, find something outside your sphere of familiarity to get enraged about, or any other identifiable antecedent to the “happy, normal” model of being, and you too can be ‘in’.

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