Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Of course they are serious

Kos opines, either disingenuously or he just missed the memo - I am thinking the latter, about the Democratic party in the US clamoring to bail-out their previously stated enemies on Wall Street:

Yet bizarrely, Democrats are rushing headlong into those boondoggle, flailing their arms in blind panic at the behest of the Bush Administration, all for a proposal that will dump a trillion dollar budget deficit on Obama's lap before he's spent a single dime on anything else.

The answer to "why?" the Democrats in congress are rushing headlong into this boondoggle is found in today's column from Tony Juniper (relevant emphasis added):

In the present crisis, however, there is a huge opportunity to do things differently, through governments taking control of the economy and by spending money – large amounts of it – to stimulate economic activity, cut our reliance on imported fossil fuels and slash climate-changing emissions. By spending now to build a low-carbon economy, we could generate a new army of highly skilled green-collar workers, building new power infrastructure, transport networks and super efficient buildings.
What the Democrats in general, and the statist left in particular, see in this crisis is opportunity. An opportunity to reach deeper and farther than ever thought possible into the money-making machine of the private sector. This is a chance to control private economic activity, steer business and commerce to the approved lefty groups (individuals, businesses, and of course ... NGOs), push the income equality mantra, push the green mantra, patronage, (insert your own socialist totem here).

Now, the left may not "get" all they want in this initial round of the big grab going on/planned. But, the nose will be under/in the tent. Others of Juniper's ilk are already circling the very same lamp-post and giving it a good scratch. The left smells the blood and they want their piece of the action. Do note, any "concessions" received by the left will come as they naturally do, no work/effort just bottom feeding on the misery (and taxes) of others.

Now, the folks on Wall Street have nobody but themselves to blame for being put into this position. If you cry "free people and free markets" and then run to the safety and comfort of the governmental teet once you hit the wall, tough luck. You want taxpayer monies to pull your bacon out of the fire, you get the joy of dealing with the politically machinated strings which come along with the cash.

Enjoy, the rest of us certainly will not be.

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