Monday, January 07, 2008

Don't you Need Schade to have Schadenfreude?

l'empire américain est-il en train de s'effondrer ?
It seems to be making their nipples hard to think about the US unemployment rate "surrrrrging" to 5% while it's still only 2/3rds of the EU's earth-shattering "lookie-lookie-look-at-meeee!" 40 year record low of 7.5%. Europe hasn't seen a rate of 5% since the post-war years of manpower shrotages caused by huge number of dead.

In fact this lame blurb wants us to believe that the gap in figures between predictions and November US unemplyment data is "a deception". I suppose that if you think the world is static and the author is willing to discount the fact that European states constantly talk-up their futures and doctor their employment data, then, well, that's okay - for them, even if the euro-zone is still the OECD's sick man, weighing the aggregate rate of 5.5% with their 7.5% rate or able -bodied loafers. Come on, people... the world can't wait!

Otherwise that sideshow of caring, "income inequality" so important to the romper room social thinkers of the continent would also align employment, and would require 4 million Americans to be put out of work to salve their guilt-ridden spirits. Fat chance. The next public obsession will bring out the old saw about the EU catching a cold when the US sneezes. This might have to do with the fact that even as adults they refuse to build up an immunity for themselves.

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