Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yo, €

It’s the Euro, Stupid.

While the European press talk in circles about a falling dollar, in fact dwelling all of their near term fears for mass unemployment (what with all of those burly men with lunchpails and cloth caps that they’re picturing) and such in that narrative they’re missing the obvious. People can’t buy their overpriced rubbish because of the dollar. People won’t travel to EUtopia because of the dollar, etc., etc., etc.

Looking in isolation at any major currency against the Euro, this dyspeptic twaddle speaks to a more basic issue: the Euro currency is just reflecting the low productivity of the economies in the Euro-harem. Labor and materials cost more, the stoppages are greater, and the cost of greenwashing their every act undermines the efficiency of making or moving anything. As a consequence it places these goods and services further out of reach of the blessed poor whom they allegedly care more about than J. H. Christ and everyone else on earth.

One fake intellect even links tangentially the weak dollar to (you guessed it) both Iraq and the Vietnam War.

You ain’t seen nothing like the mighty €

¥ aside, here’s the holy and divine € against the £ and $

And In $£ aggregate against the €

Except for the dependably prescient, they won’t discuss the over-valuation of the Euro, of course, and how it’s killing their middle income earners. Now bow before the €, and don’t accuse them of understanding capitalism, and don’t get in the way of EUvians badgering the rest of civilization about their crass, inequitable, bourgeois mercantile , and counterrevolutionary avarice...

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