Monday, November 19, 2007

The Right Attitude

If you want to make permanent as much poverty and misery as possible.

Pourquoi la grève ?

“Luttons Plus Pours Gagner Plus” “Struggle” more to get more [which also means ‘earn’ more to the natives in the la-la of socialist glory.]

In their grand celebration of benefits that they could only get through actual market forces generating enough revenue for them, of international competition making for they the new standard-bearing (such as with the 40 hour work-week), these guys have more riot-fever than brains.

They show an image from they mythified “lutte” with a description of the extorted benefit. They also lovingly flashed images of the great car-b-que of ’06. I’m sure they’re still searching for the words to describe what that did for them.


Behold a few of the fellow travelers on the pilgrimage to Euro-topian promised land of Bolivian peasant life: one Rue 89 “commenter” is nearly sure that the film “American Gangster” is an accurate description of daily life in the U.S. That’s right. All 302 million Americans, even the ones he thinks are ignorant for farming their field somewhere outside ‘eek-veele.’
enfin c'est l'amerique actuelle dans toute sa splendeur et son reve irresistible...
euh, je vais de ce doigt le telech...ercher

You will also note that he plans on downloading it unlawfully, rather than paying royalties to his proletarian bretheren in the Screen Actors’ Guild [union].

There’s also this unsurprising little ditty from a commenter who says she’s a “Psychological researcher” writing in reference to a degrading stunt we referred to here.
Kouchner, à la demande de Sarkozy, a également poussé sa chansonnette dans l'avion qui amenait ce petit monde vers les USA...
"ce petit monde vers les USA..." ??? Does he really think Sarkozy is an "American'' deserving of the same "enlightenment" that he would force on the US? Forcing things after all, has always been the Euro-lefty way -"enlightenment" surely is what were staved of and beg the Rue 89 reader for!
So let's see. USA 302 million people, 4,6% of the world populaiton. United part of Europe: 452 million, 6,9% of the world populaiton. People murdered by Europe and it's ideas (Communism, Fascism, Socialism, etal): uncountable, but certainly > 150 million. Number dead in the former Yugoslavia while Europe was daydreaming about peace breaking out spontaneously... 102 000 in Bosnia alone not to mention 3 more conflicts that rose to the level of war.

Yes. Sing. Go ahead. Sing together. Sing louder. You won't be able to hear this hypocrisy about making world peace by closing your eyes and wishing really hard.

Does this guy think the US needs to "do something" about Turkish Germans? Thanks In the "enlightenment" Sparky.

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