Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Merry Eco-Barbarian Luddites in Portugal

Last Friday (17 August) in Algarve in the south of Portugal, a Portuguese farmer who had planted a GMO crop legal even by tight EU standards, saw his lands invaded and the corn crop destroyed by activists of a fringe ecologist organization with complete impunity. Portuguese police did not act to prevent or stop the wanton destruction.

The vandals' actions were praised by the extreme-left party Bloco de Esquerda, which has supported the activist organization in the past. Miguel Portas, an MEP for the Bloco de Esqueda supported this action as a "precautionary measure", an act of "civil disobedience" and "non-violent conflict". Even tough he acknowledged the destruction of property, Miguel Portas wrote that there was a "wider social benefit" by raising the public awareness of GMO's.

Meanwhile, the Minister responsible for internal security said the police did everything they could to stop the crop destruction (although it was indeed destroyed...) and that those involved were to be prosecuted. In response, the spokesman for the eco-barbarians deemed this a "waste of public money" that would be better employed in a public campaign against GMO's. Their goal is to "re-establish ecological, moral and democratic order" even at the expense of others, so it seems.

- Via O Insurgente

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