Monday, October 09, 2006

A victory for western diplomacy

Time to dash a thank-you note off to “food not bombs

The Dear Leader’s nuclear test could not have occurred without Bill Clinton’s decade of dalliance. Clinton could have obliterated the Yongbyong reactor with one strike when he first learned of North Korea’s covert nuclear program in 1994. Instead, he allowed Jimmy Carter’s private foreign policy to preempt him. Upon completing the “Agreed Framework” in 1994, Clinton stated, “This agreement will help achieve a vital and long-standing American objective: an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean peninsula.” We now know the $4.6 billion bribe gave the Communists the two nuclear reactors they used to create their current arsenal.
A victory for leftism, if there ever was one.

For those not familiar with the Marxist stooges who prey on adolescents to do their idiot-work, here’s a sample of their brilliance:

How Food Not Bombs Got Its Name

During 1980, a group of friends who were active in the protests against the Seabrook nuclear power project were searching for a way to make the connection between the issues of nuclear power and militarism. One of our many activities was to spray paint anti-nuclear and anti-war slogans on public buildings and sidewalks using stencils. One of our favorites was to spray paint the words "MONEY FOR FOOD NOT FOR BOMBS" on the sidewalk at the exits to grocery stores in our neighborhood. One night, after an outing of spray painting, we had the inspiration to use the slogan "FOOD NOT BOMBS" as our name.

An auspicious start in defacing property, and not quite understanding just what a fantastic job the left has done for the cause of mass starvation and crop failures.

The irony is that the NorKs are among the very few people on earth who have had to make a choice between food and bombs, and reflecting on the fact that their ineptness has brought them poverty and were no meaningful threat to anyone, they chose bombs as far back as 1992, and have let their population starve even more since.

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