Monday, September 11, 2006

That was the day that was

Embarrassed by their own hatred – Quick! Rationalize!

Jacquard calls the revisionist theories that say no plane hit the Pentagon nothing but marketing tools. Boniface (below) opens his gob and says that these >theories are the price to pay for Bush's lies about why we invaded Iraq...

In other words, the only combat they can do is to lie.

My spy (who can stomache watching this crap) saw this DGSE or DST security type, basically, talking in circles about nothing. Someone please put the cloth back over his cage.

Nicolas Sarkozy goes to NYC yesterday, and all the Socialists can do is bang their spoons on their highchairs.

Then going on to set aside their tender look at America and focus on what really matters – smearing them to the expense of noticing their simplistic journalistic practices.

Dwelling on someone who as a result of 9/11 needs a large array of medications, but isn’t getting them for free from the Federal Government, as if the purpose of embarrassing him on television abroad is going to help him or make a difference, assuming that French people start a letter-writing campaign or fill out the guy’s scrips.

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