Sunday, February 05, 2006

Qul'un majnoon

There are demands that a government shout down Jyllands-Posten. There are people taking it out on foodmakers even if they aren't in the news business. Never mind that virtually none of their own farmers can write, let alone produce enough food.

It all points to one simple fact. Those demanding a pound of flesh for their hurt feelings are little more than barbarians who see the rest of the world as its’ house-bint. Four decades of repeating irrational accusations of blood libel, and acting out their paranoia (founded in an inability to trust even their own social circle) is a contradiction the morally weak and those poor in spirit simply won’t face.

If there’s any reason to demand an apology, it is over the likes of this:
«In the most expensive Turkish film ever made, American soldiers in Iraq gatecrash a wedding and shoot a little boy in front of his mother.

They kill dozens of innocent people with random machine gun fire, shoot the groom in the head and drag those left alive to Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, where a Jewish doctor cuts out their organs, which he sells to rich people in New York, London and Tel Aviv.»
Hiding behind the Islam, and using the oldest and stalest weasel words, the film-maker said:
«Zane plays a self-professed "peacekeeper sent by God".

Asked if he thought the film was anti-American, Zane said: "This screenplay is not against my country's people... I am doing this movie because I am a patriot. I'm against all wars, because wars don't have happy endings."»
He’s all for peace and butterflies, and puppy-dogs with big sad eyes, but is more than willing to pimp propaganda about Americans being evil drooling organ thieves.

How cute. Does he think Jihad will have a happy ending too?

What those who don’t want to wrap their brains around the concept of free speech can’t grasp is that they’re permitting evil to transparently hide behind religion and calls for peace with the same stupidity that they have for a whole generation.

The delusions of superiority in Islamic society (quite tellingly) are to the point where refuse to address the cruelty found in most Islam dominated states even as they try to ape the trope of the enlightened.

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