Tuesday, January 10, 2006

To really believe in human rights is a mission

Also one of the only successful human rights missions ever.

«On Friday morning, May 26, 1991, Israeli Air Force planes were circling in the Addis Ababa sky; 15,000 Ethiopian Jews were circling the Israeli embassy, ready to charge toward the airport; rebel army forces were closing in on the besieged capital - yet the chief Ethiopian official, Kassa Kebede, ordered the Israeli chief negotiator, Uri Lubrani, to stop all actions. The Ethiopian government was demanding its promised price of $35 million in advance, here and now.

What followed was a drama-cum-comedy of errors: Lubrani had no intention of paying up front and, in any case, the Ethiopian minister of finance did not know his own government's bank account number. The operation was almost aborted, and Lubrani, desperately searching for a convincing argument, recalls asking the minister, "Can you conceive that I represent a people and a government that will deceive you on a miserable $35 million?" The minister replied, "I believe you." Permission was granted for the operation to resume.»
It was supported by one of history's great proponents of liberations, and lefty contrarians had nothing to do with it, except to weasel or call it one thing or another to cast doubt.
In any event, "imaging another world is possible" is a phrase usually spouted by people who just don’t think you need to be a Nixon to go to China, and that the greatest negotiators are battle hardened and know how and when to shrink from conflict, and when not to. The tools of that craft completely escape the grasp of the globally roving tranzi love cult that has managed to dominate the west's media and social institutions. The irony is that those institutions themselves are supposed to be the keepers of the precepts of the culture which holds human rights up so high.

On the subject of Operations Moses and Solomon, Natalie Solent points to a BBC history page entry that attempts to diminish the action and make a mess out of the timeline, mixing up names and omitting the date of further rescue operations 6 years later. The good little beeb goes further, as Natalie points out to when they will and won’t mention the nationality, race, or religion of a victim. Clue: when they’re a specially designated victim.

One wonders if media writers are actually aware of any any other view at all.

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