Tuesday, December 06, 2005

4 millimeters in the last century becomes one meter in this century

Part in parcel of the lefty pantheon of never ending ‘crises’ isn’t just outrageous claims and outrageous political tactics, but adolescent behavior:
«Outside the conference, activists dressed as trees, insects and birds marched to call for the protection of rainforests.

"It would be nice if the U.S. would step up and start to take some action," said Ben Matchstick, a U.S. organizer dressed as a bird.»
I saw a recent interview with Brazil Environment Minister who was deeply agitated by the allegations “the green beast” continue to make about the fate of the jungle. According to activist’s alarmist numbers the fainforest has been cut down and not renewed over the past decades at a rate that would have completely denuded it more than 20 years ago. In spite of the fact that it’s still there, people incapable of linear thought will still travel half the way around the world to dress up like trees and demand that the US do something about the birthrate in the third world:
«Environmentalists accused Washington of doing too little to fight a rise in temperatures from human activities that could lead to more storms, expanding deserts and worse floods, and could raise sea levels by up to three feet (one meter) by 2100.»
I guess they’re also supposed to take care of every starving and sick person, give everyone a laptop, as many preservatifs and kapuchas as they can go through and never, ever, offend their religious sensibilities at the same time. Oh, and cough it up for yet another “crisis funding campaign” for yet another alphabet soup sub-agency that can’t seem to find its’ own nose, and will take away money from poor people in rich countries in order to give it to rich people in poor countries.

Thanks, but no thanks.

EU Rota has more.

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