Saturday, November 05, 2005

Translation of article linked from “Appeasers and Surrenderers”

From ¡No Pasaràn!: Appeasers and Surrenderers we linked the following TF1 item:

The Government is Unanimous on Standing Firm

"Violence will benefit no-one. The Republican State will not accept violence ", reaffirmed Nicolas Sarkozy on Saturday, after a crisis meeting in Matignon on the suburban riots. 897 vehicles were set ablaze on Friday night, and 253 people were arrested.
The message remains the same one after a ninth night of violence: " Violence will benefit no-one. The Republican State will not accept violence", Nicolas Sarkozy declared Saturday at the Matignon municipal building. "People must understand that setting fire to a vehicle is an injustice to the property owner, and that punishment will be severe. The government is unanimous standing firm ", the Minister of Interior Department said following a ministerial meeting in Matignon on the crisis in the suburbs, chaired by the Prime Minister.

"The ministers are working together closely’ [ED: the title implies that they are in agreement]

de Villepin had convened a half-day meeting of eight ministers on Saturday "to evaluate the changing circumstances in the urban area of sinificance". Taking part in this meeting in addition to Nicolas Sarkozy, were Jean-Louis Borloo (employment), Gilles de Robien (education), Pascal Clément (justice), Azouz Begag (equal opportunity), Jean-François Copé (budget, spokesman of the government), Catherine Vautrin (social cohesion) and Thierry Breton (finances).

"the whole of the government is mobilized, declared the latter at the close of the meeting (...) the ministers work hand in hand today" (...) the priority is clearly the return to the normality in France,and that there are no areas of lawlessness ".

Matignon indicated that before this meeting, de Villepin had conferred privately with Sarkozy. The evening before, the head of government had also met with about fifteen young people from sensitive districts.

The police force reported 897 vehicles were set ablaze and arrested 253 troublemakers overnight Friday throughout France the ninth consecutive night of violence in the sensitive area.

"Each word [ED: aired in public] has importance"

After the ministerial meeting, the Prime Minister met for a half hour with the vice-chancellor of the mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur. Upon leaving Matignon, he declared that "in such difficult circumstances, each word of each statement matters" and that he was waiting to hear "statements of peace" from the government. "I wait on all the authorities, Nicolas Sarkozy, the Prime Minister and other eminent personages of this country that they call for calm", insisted the vice-chancellor, also president of the French Council of the Moslem worship (CFCM).
Included after the article is this N.B.:
Dear readers, since the beginning of violence in the suburbs, a great number of you are commenting to our news site. We thank you. But taking into account the number of reactions we have recieved, it has became impossible to publish them and maintain our objectivity, dedication, and responsiveness. We are therefore temporarily suspending the publication of comments on this subject. We thank you for your understanding and your cooperation.
End of item.

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