Friday, November 11, 2005

The exo-rational snowjob is just beginning

And it’s probably cash, and not light that they’re looking for at the end of this tunnel.

TF1: "What does it mean to be French today?"

«In an official statement, the gathering concluded that the last fifteen days violence "expresses the 30 years frustrations with the refusal of recognition of the people living in those areas (...) who have rights under French law but relegated in the minds of the political elite as an unconscious collective who are intellectually and economically, in the category of second-class citizens". At the same time as he "calls for the return to a state of calm in the densely populated districts", the collective initially asks the president and the government "to listen sincerely, in particular to the young people in these districts, in order to effectively fight all the forms of discrimination from which they suffer daily".

Present at the gathering were the secretary-general of [ED.: the socialist race hustling organization,] MRAP, Mouloud Aounit said: "of course, it will be necessary to bring answers in terms of employment and of housing to this plea for help launched in our suburbs. But it will be especially important to answer a central question: what does it mean to be French today?

Can one be French and have the name Mohamed or Sidibé, or without having to be white and catholic?"»

And I'm sure these politcal operators would like to do the defining for you as well.

Will someone please tell these otherwise entertaining leftist tools that their lack of success isn't entirely the government or society's problem, especially if they direct their social and political energy into blackmailing and guilt-tripping the well intended?

People's heads are still spinning from years of circumlocution about people being nothing if not part of a “group” or “political tribe”, and from deconstructing their society to the point that the disinterested laïques themselves lose track and lose any hope they once had.

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