Wednesday, November 02, 2005

BBC, oh how I DO love thee...

Today, more than half BBC World Service’s programming has been made up of Anti-Bush and Anti-US programming. Everything from the withdrawn Meirs’ nomination being a death blow to conservatives, whether the Iraqi invitation for more former (but non-baathist) military service members to enlist in the New Iraqi Army is a failure of the war, or a failure of the Iraqis, Katrina, blah, blah, blah, a quarter point rate increase, blah, blah, blah, the economy “faultering”, blah, blah, blah, quagmire, blah, blah, blah... The stupidity of the US stockpiling Tamiflu, blah, blah, blah... Rove in the dock, (not!), blah, blah, blah...

Generally reviving every old slag that they peddled over the past 3 years, but generally didn’t materialize. I don’t have stats, but it felt like an all-time high for a day when there was no major news item coming from Washington. It was all constructed news and opinion spun around the fact that John Kerry lost the Presidential election one year ago.

The story is a non-starter in the US, because even most democrats don't think or wish that the first year is somehow provisional, of that the whole thing might e reversed by an über-authority. Even the rage behind the silly "impeach Bush" stickers you see vandalizing fixtures in public are an outlier and well understood as the silly outbust of people who's feeling are hurt.

The Plame-game is still running to a hopeful extent on the BBC in a factual vacuum that didn’t factor in the fact that she outed HERSELF to Vanity Fair before anyone else did, that she recommended her husband for a mission where he cocked up his gathering with his politics, all without telling the Assigning agent that they were married, and omitting the fact that which coming to the conclusion after socializing with people that yellow cake was something best served with wine rather than coffee, that 400 tons of the shit were found in Baghdad. After all if anyone committed a crime, it was Plame for giving her identity away, and practicing politics in the employ of the CIA.

Time wasted and effort spent trying to find the key to the door, the kernel of truth in the big lie...

It is anything but “World News”. In January of 2009 when George Bush leaves office what will they fill the absence in their day with? Will they have to go out and look for something to report? Will they catch on to the fact that the Europeans and their worldwide admiration cult wasted so much time and energy inventing stories and irrational hatred over the course of 8 years.

The money spent, the time taken, the energy that could have gone into them doing harm to the world... Ahhh...

The big lie was on the left, and sold to them by a press that pitched to them ginned-up stories and conspiracy theories dressed up as speculation, and minor items pitched as seminal. The great distraction, not unlike Lenin’s “big lie” which a movement so desperately needs.

Except for the fact that they could be actually covering the NEWS, I'm pleased. Elated. "Happy dance" happy...

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