Thursday, October 13, 2005

États-Unien? Are you kidding?

Since the EU is not all of Europe, I suggest that the only proper way of dealing with someone who insists on calling an American an États-Unien is to refer to them as Les Uniens.

The word America only appears in the state name of two nations the US and American Samoa. The insistence on wanting to call us something other than what we call ourselves is a kind of expression of frustration over the fact that unlike former African that theyve run into the ground, they have little to no power over the U.S (at least none that we dont go along with while laughing at the pious prigs behind their backs).

It is, after all a function of their convenience. Sometimes they are 25 nations when it suits them, and sometimes one mega-state called the EU.

Hows THIS for language savoir faire, peeps? Henh?

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