Friday, September 02, 2005

Thanks to Leftist Media Darling, We Know the Contents of the Bereaved Minds of Members of Military Families — And It's All Against Bush!

Commenting his photos of military funerals from small towns to Yonkers, Paul Fusco proves he cannot understand anybody who doesn't think like he does. He finds it scandalous that the military would ban members of the press from funerals of servicemen, assuming the ban is the work of Bush's evil cabal and never pausing to ask whether the tradition might be a long-standing one. Certainly the photographer seems unaware that during the "good war", pictures of American dead were not shown in the United States, at least in the beginning of the 1940s.

In any case, if the presence of the likes of Paul Fusco seems unwanted in American cemeteries, at least it is desired at the Perpignan photojournalism festival. Both can probably be explained by his comments (notably to photos 1-3, 16, 31, 35-36, and 40) in which, among other things, he calls Old Glory a rag. ("I've seen a lot of very angry angry people, I've seen many young women and mothers, wives, and parents, families cringing when they're given the American flag … there's no glory in it — they know that. They've been given a rag for their husband's life, for lies — there is no glory, there is no honor.")

Of course, the emotional response that Paul Fusco saw could be called nothing but cringing, and needless to say, a wise and lucid man like him knew exactly the sole reason that could have accounted for that (see quote above). When the voice of a Cindy Sheehan is not deemed to be loud enough, why then, no matter, the lefties will presume to speak for the rest of the bereaved families. In any case, I wonder why military families wouldn't want a respectful mourner like that at their funeral… (No wonder he is the darling of the French, though.)

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