Sunday, September 25, 2005

Mocking American Neocons with the Communists

Alain Abellard has an article on Ted Stanger that suggests that the Paris-based American journalist can be expected to be harsh on his host country. As we have demonstrated before, that is false: His humourous reflections on France are nothing compared to his spite and his invective against Americans. The evidence that he is not, or is no longer, an objective non-partisan observer does not arrive before the last paragraph in Abellard's article:
Ses échanges avec Claude Cabanes, éditorialiste du quotidien L'Humanité, sont réglés comme une mécanique parfaite. Le libéral Yankee de l'Ohio et le communiste à l'accent du Sud-Ouest s'en donnent à coeur joie et accordent plus de plaisir aux mots qu'à leur propre pensée. Et dans ce domaine, Ted n'a aucune leçon à recevoir : il excelle dans la mauvaise foi et dans l'outrance.
And that's how life functions in France. You get together and join in in Yankee- (or Bush-)bashing, while allowing for all other tendances — no matter how Stalinist they may have been in the past — for nuanced discussons amongst themselves dans le respect et la bonne humeur

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