Sunday, September 11, 2005

Iran's low-intensity war against the United States

One thing is certain
writes Amir Tahri (thanks to TIA Daily).
Iran is engaged in a low-intensity war against the United States and its allies, including most Iraqi political parties. The Iranian calculation is that the U.S.-led coalition is tired of Iraq and will disengage within a maximum of 3 1/2 years, that is by the end of the Bush presidency at the latest.

And then, as Khamenei has said, it will be the Islamic Republic — not the United States — that will decide the future not only of Iraq but of the entire Middle East.

Insoafar the war in Iraq can be compared to Vietnam, adds Peter R Kann, it is not because of what happened in Southeast Asia's rice paddies — the similarities "just aren't the ones the critics cite."
…in the case of Vietnam, the war was lost less on the battlefield than on the home front. North Vietnamese leaders themselves have frequently credited "the peace movement of the heroic American people" as important to the communist victory. Few military authorities would any longer dispute that the vaunted Tet Offensive of 1968 was a significant military defeat for the North Vietnamese, or that well into the early '70s the military balance on the ground had shifted in favor of the Americans and South Vietnamese.

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