Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A Fiasco in Denmark and a Total Rout in Italy and France

At the antiwar rally in Washington on Saturday, vast numbers of protesters from around the United States poured onto the lawns behind the White House, pointedly directing their anger at President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney
wrote the mainstream media in America.
Thousands of antiwar protesters also marched through London on Saturday to demand that Britain pull its troops out of Iraq. There were also smaller antiwar rallies in Copenhagen, Damascus, Helsinki, Paris, Rome and Seoul. In the United State [sic], antiwar marches were also held in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle.
Even Le Monde couldn't abide that one.
La mobilisation s'est en revanche soldée par un fiasco au Danemark, et une déroute totale en Italie et en France : de 1 500 à 2 000 personnes ont défilé contre la guerre dans les rues de Copenhague. 200 se sont rassemblées devant l'ambassade américaine à Rome. A Paris enfin, seulement une soixantaine de personnes étaient présentes sur la place de la Concorde, proche de la représentation américaine.
Incidentally, Corine Lesnes has a fawning article on Cindy Sheehan while Leef Smith and Jonathan Abel have an article on the war supporters' rally.
"I believe in what they're doing," Antia Grater said. "A man over there," she said gesturing, "has a sign that says 'Stop the War.' Well, that's what our troops are doing. They're stopping the war on terror at the source."

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