Sunday, May 29, 2005

They feel sorry about Saddam's humiliation, not about all the Iraqi people who never reached his age thanks to his actions

Its a company except their expertise is not in banking, engineering, medicine or any other positives that they could all unite to achieve to help the Iraqi people they claim to be rescuing
writes Sami as the Iraqi expatriate discusses Al Qaeda (as well as Arab public opinion).
No their type of business specialises in killing, kidnapping, terrorising, brainwashing, and many other sectors that are 'VITAL' to keeping humanity safe from the evil corruption of capitalism. Yes I hope the sarcasm is understood for those that read this.

The end result is that the end of one man will not end the problem, its a mentality, its a type of thinking that is supported by many people in the part of the world who easily believe in any type of BS they watch on the tv or radio. When people from all various forms of life become political analysts then you create a society entrinched with rumours, innuendo and straight up bull shit.

Examples are easily available, the sadness felt in so many Arab people's hearts at the humilation of Saddam caught in a photo washing his own clothes. :( And another picture with his boxers on. That is what they feel sorry about, not about all the Iraqi people who never reached his age thanks to his actions.

(Julien, are you reading this?)
I want justice and punishment for the people in charge and the people carrying out these operations. I also want justice to be brought to those that defend and support these operations and look at them at defending Arab pride. If Arabic pride is judged by the colour and shape of Saddam's panties than I really feel sorry for the Arabic world. Instead of trying to promote the virtues of life, and the happiness of all respectin one another we see the opposite.

To me the capture of Zarqawi is irrelevant, as in the end we will get another name of a person in charge of the operations and the few Iraqis supportive of them will be put all over the Arabic media and it will continue to show all Iraqis as against the new government and process

Meanwhile (shookhran to Gregory), Fouad Ajami writes
"George W. Bush has unleashed a tsunami on this region," a shrewd Kuwaiti merchant who knows the way of his world said to me. The man had no patience with the standard refrain that Arab reform had to come from within, that a foreign power cannot alter the age-old ways of the Arabs. "Everything here--the borders of these states, the oil explorations that remade the life of this world, the political outcomes that favored the elites now in the saddle--came from the outside. This moment of possibility for the Arabs is no exception." A Jordanian of deep political experience at the highest reaches of Arab political life had no doubt as to why history suddenly broke in Lebanon, and could conceivably change in Syria itself before long. "The people in the streets of Beirut knew that no second Hama is possible; they knew that the rulers were under the gaze of American power, and knew that Bush would not permit a massive crackdown by the men in Damascus."

…To venture into the Arab world, as I did recently over four weeks in Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan and Iraq, is to travel into Bush Country. I was to encounter people from practically all Arab lands, to listen in on a great debate about the possibility of freedom and liberty. … Unmistakably, there is in the air of the Arab world a new contest about the possibility and the meaning of freedom. …The doors have been thrown wide open, and the truth of that world laid bare. Grant Mr. Bush his due: The revolutionary message he brought forth was the simple belief that there was no Arab and Muslim "exceptionalism" to the appeal of liberty. For a people mired in historical pessimism, the message of this outsider was a powerful antidote to the culture of tyranny.

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